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Media Interaction


Apart from the traditional Sangoma healing, Dr Matthews Sibeko advice Universities (Monash and Wits University) with lectures and commentary on research and for medical purposes. He also takes part in various radio talk shows (Radio 702 and Cliff Central) to mention a few.

Monash University

Wits University

Mail & Guardian

Sangoma of the 21st Century

Mail & Guardian

Sangoma of the 21st Century

My Trip to Botswana

My most scariest Moments

Departure from O-R Thambo to Seretse Khama
Arrival at O-R Thambo from Seretse Khama

My first being out of the country for my spiritual work, this was supposed to have been done in 2017 but due to unforeseen set backs and all, we kept on postponing till the day it was decided despite the odds against it we are really going to have it done.


It was a good experience for me, a week following my trip, I had weird dreams. There were things that were hindering me to take this trip, I was forever fighting spirits in my dreams. I prepared myself, prepared muthi's and did ancestral prayers. I was terrified to take this trip. But my faith and spirit kept me going. I flew down on Friday 12 July. Another night of terror for me but I was prepared. Early hours of Saturday, I went down to the village, first worked, cleansed the house then we went to the graves... Worked on 2 graves, the first one I found an okapi at the grave, worked on it and cleansed it. The second wasn't much visual troubles but worked on it as well.

After working on the graves we went home, I still had a few practices that i needed to do at the house, after all that was done and when everyone was now relaxing and I was reflecting while watching a tree I feel in-love with when i heard a kid calling on one of the elders, to my surprise the same person I had been dreaming about, fighting me in my dreams is here now. well I asked about him, and was told he is one of the elderly uncles of the family, I mentioned that that man is a bad persona and the reply was that 'they know'. The witchcraft  that was happening to this family wasn't from far or someone who isn't a family member. 

All went well and I came back home, got home and cleansed myself as well as I had to take off whatever it is I might have gotten from there, two days later I dreamed again about the same person but this time he had some assistance, from a lady I never saw before, but still I won the fight. Called my patient in Botswana to tell her about my dreams, to my surprise she had also had some bad dreams which she couldn't really explain well what happened and how he survived whatever was being done to her. She also had a minor accident the same morning.

I will be going back to finish the work soon.

After such practice, I can say to everyone out there...."Please beware of your families, witch craft doesn't come from far rather those close to us, family and close friends."

- Radio Interviews - 

The Laws of Life 20/10/2015


Love, break-ups, cheating, heartbreak and sleeping around…

Live in studio is a man with a broken heart, a Sangoma with the muti to heal heartbreak, a Private Investigator who nails the cheaters, and a woman who believes that multiple sexual partners is the way to go.


Interview with Sebenzile from Radio 702


Sebenzile spoke to me, about being a traditional healer, what the difference is between a sangoma and inyanga, the difference between ukuthwala and ukuthwasa, why people link them to witchcraft and some of the misconception and misunderstanding people have about being traditional healers. Listen to the full clip on SOUNDCLOUD

Interview with Kwena Moabelo from Power Up on Power FM 98.7


Traditional sangoma Dr Matthew Sibeko speaks to Kwena Moabelo about how holding grudges is in fact like withcraft. He tells about the link/relationship between having a grudge and depression/ulcers etc. Listen to the full clip on PowerFM Podcasts

Interview on Power Up on Power FM 98.7


Traditional Healer, Dr Matthew Sibeko speaks to Thabo Shole Mashao about the process of grave cleansing.

 Listen to the full clip on PowerFM Podcasts

Interview on Power Up on Power FM 98.7


Traditional Healer, Dr Matthew Sibeko speaks to Thabo Shole Mashao about the process of grave cleansing...

Listen to the full clip on PowerFM Podcasts

Interview on Power Up on Power FM 98.7


Traditional Healer, Dr. Matthew Sibeko speaks to Kwena Moabelo about the idea of witches even in today’s world.

Listen to the full clip on PowerFM Podcasts

Interview on Power Up on Power FM 98.7


Traditional healer, Dr. Matthew Sibeko speaks to Kwena Moabelo about the different types of spiritual gifts...

Listen to the full clip on PowerFM Podcasts

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